Frozen Rails 2011

Thank you to all the speakers, the sponsors, and of course all the attendees.



Building digital success stories

We are Reaktor, a software house. We work with customers who see IT as a vital part of their business. We are known for our expertise and for being fun to work with.

The IT industry is full of stories about projects that have dragged on or were never finished. That is why we focus on results.

We have polished our expertise and ways of working in order to get results: working software and deployed services. The importance of specialists' expertise to the final result cannot be overestimated. That is why we are happy to have so many of the best experts work at Reaktor.


Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd is a development company owned by the Uusimaa Regional Council, the cities of Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa, and the universities, polytechnics, research institutes and business community of Helsinki region.

The main function of Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd is to manage the Centre of Expertise Programme within Helsinki Region over the current third programme period 2007 - 2013. This programme promotes utilisation of the highest international standard of knowledge and expertise in business, job creation and regional development.


Digia's driver is the desire to succeed. It offers its customers success, through inventive solutions that enhance operational efficiency, improve user experiences and increase sales. Digia helps its customers become forerunners. With over 1,000 top experts, Digia enables its customers to benefit from changes in the market, making the future a mutual success. Digia is known for swiftly embracing new technologies, to its customers' benefit.

Digia Ventures provides solutions for the international consumer and corporate market. These are based on a scalable business model, and can be distributed via the internet. Digia Ventures expedite in-house innovation activity and aims to bring new products and solutions to market quickly. See examples: and

Come talk with us regarding career opportunities and become a RoR-Star!


Enterprise-Rails is a top-notch Ruby and Ruby on Rails hosting service. Whether you need a managed startup VPS, a solid managed dedicated server, a rockin' cluster or an adaptable cloud solution Enterprise-Rails will built it for you!

Being independent from cloud and server providers your Enterprise-Rails supporter will build a hosting solution fitting your needs instead of selling you a hammer when holding a screw.

Get in directly in touch with Julian Fischer, CEO and head of hosting, and find a state-of-the-art and pain-relieving hosting solution.

Supporting sponsor

Code School is all about learning by doing. Our educational courses combine video, coding in the browser, and gamification principles to make learning more fun and therefore more effective. A typical course contains 5 levels, each with a 10-15 minute video, followed by series of code challenges a student must solve to make it to the next level. Once finished each course provides rewards for completion.

Academic sponsor

Through education, research and development, HAAGA-HELIA prepares professionals for business and services. HAAGA-HELIA offers their students a versatile choice of studies, great opportunities for specialisation, high-quality education in Finnish, Swedish and English, and wide business networks even during the studies. HAAGA-HELIA's approximately 10,500 students and 700 employees base their activities on highly advanced national and international expertise.

Media partner

ReadWriteWeb is one of the most popular technology blogs in the world, known for offering insightful analysis about each day's Web technology news and trends. Ranked as one of the world's top 20 blogs by Technorati, it is syndicated daily by The New York Times.


Kisko Labs makes people happy by solving their problems with digital services. You should kickstart your web product or service with us. We'll complete it in five weeks.

We are digital services craftsmen and all our solutions are handcrafted for a specific purpose and client need. Our team is product design oriented and understand the combination of technology, business and design. Our clients range from small technology startups to a few of the biggest companies in Finland.